Backbar – CED’s Modular Bar System.
CED’s Backbar range is a versatile, pre-engineered interconnecting modular bar system, produced from durable 0.9mm thick 430gd. steel panelwork, with 1.2mm thick 304 gd. s/steel worktops. Plain steel worktops and pressed steel drainer worktops allow for varied dry or wet area bar use. The units connect to form straight bar runs or can be faceted by the use of optional angled worktop infills.
The bases can be incorporated behind bespoke bar frontages and tops to provide the essential elements for a fully functioning bar servery area.
The Designline Backbar range consists of Shelving Units, Sinks & Wash Units, Storage Units, Ambient Storage and Accessories such as worktop angles or extensions.
Backbar Design Guidance.
Download and design your layout quickly and accurately with our electronic CAD drawings of the various modules (all located within the download section for each category. Most Backbar units come in standard sizes of 450, 650, 800 and 1000 mm long. Simply select the units and accessories required – using the stock codes shown.
Creating Facetted/ Angled Sections In The Design.
Curved or angled bar units are achieved by using a combination of :
A) Angled ‘infill’ worktop pieces fastened to the particular base unit. These are available in 10, 15, 20, 45 & 90 degrees (See AT10, AT15, AT20, CT45, CT90, CTW90).
B) Angled front unit ‘capping’ trims. The standard angled unit trim is 40mm wide at the front. Non-standard trims are available.
(See Angled Trim AT).
Combining ‘Bespoke’ Backbar Section Lengths In The Design.
Specific lengths of bar runs can be achieved using ‘bespoke’ versions (up to 1000 mm long) of :
C) Shelving Units (Standard units are PTS45, PTS65, PTS80, PTS100. A bespoke unit size is PTS85 i.e. 850mm long) or
D) Worktops. ( Standard units are PB45, PB65, PB80, PB100. A bespoke worktop size is PB85 i.e. 850mm long).
Loose Items Supplied With Each Backbar Base Unit.
Each Backbar base unit is supplied with one adjustable leg set (See LLF) and one double unit ‘capping’ trim (See DT).

Accessories Required With The Bar Design Ordered.
Additional Low Height Leg Set (see LLF) to end or void section per run
Additional High Leg Set (see HLF) to open end where void required
End Décor Panel – for each visible end panel of run (see EP1)
End Décor Panel – for each visible end panel of void section (see EP1)(Typically where bins are positioned)
Each base unit is supplied with one Low Height Leg Set (LLF)